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- 恵比寿:漁業や商売
- 大黒天:商売繁盛と財運
- 毘沙門天:勝負運と健康
- 弁財天:芸術や音楽などの才能
- 福禄寿:寿命と富
- 寿老人:知恵や学問
- 布 袋:食物や運など
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About Shichifukujin
Shichifukujin is a collective term for seven gods in Japanese folklore who are believed to bring happiness, prosperity, health, and other blessings.
The Seven Lucky Gods consist of seven deities: Fukurokuju, Daikokuten, Bishamonten, Benzaiten, Ebisu, Hotei, and Jurojin.
Fukurokuju is associated with longevity and wealth, Daikokuten with business prosperity and good fortune, Bishamonten with victory, gambling luck, and health, Benzaiten with artistic and musical talent, Ebisu with fishing and commerce, Hotei with food and good fortune, and Jurojin with wisdom and academic success.
Although originally Buddhist gods, the Seven Lucky Gods became popular among common people during the Edo period, and the tradition of visiting them during the New Year spread throughout Japan. Additionally, there are shrines and temples throughout Japan that offer Seven Lucky Gods pilgrimages where all seven deities can be visited at once.
Shichifukujin is deeply rooted in the year-end and New Year customs in Japan, and many people go on the Seven Lucky Gods pilgrimage during the New Year. Lucky charms such as ema (votive plaques) and figurines featuring the Seven Lucky Gods are also widely available.
By combining the power of each individual deity, it is believed that the Seven Lucky Gods bring good luck and prosperity to people’s lives. Belief in the Seven Lucky Gods is a popular folk religion that is loved by many people and represents a prayer or wishes for a rich life.
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